Sunday 11 December 2011

Day 10

Hey guys,

After watching the GBA last night, it really kicked my ass and made me re-evaluate what I've been doing and to direct my studies more towards my personal work.  So from next month, and as much as I can do this month, I will be starting each new month with a rough sketch of 3 personal pieces.  And I will be directing all my studies towards these 3 personal pieces.  If I didn't have to work 8 hours a day, I would do more than this each month, but I can't as it's a full time job.

So my new schedule will be:
1 hour - Anatomy Study
A colour study directed towards my personal work
A life painting 3 times a week
To finish a personal piece every 10 days

Here is a start to the personal work I've been doing using the stuff I've learnt from the studies.  It's about 5 hours in - the initial sketch took up most of the time.  I will be adding another 2 roughs to complete my 3 personal work quota for this month either later on today, or tomorrow.

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